Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ink Stains: Mystery Technique ~ Flower Soft Faux Pussy Willow!

I just love In Stains
she has so so much great stuff.
Like this
Ink Stains: Mystery Technique ~ Flower Soft Faux Pussy Willow!

Flower Soft Faux Pussy Willow

A bit about some of the supplies I used...I started off using the butterscotch colored wire because some varieties of the pussy willow has a yellow cast to it. You could use brown, copper or plain wire ~ it's totally up to you. The wire I used for the branches is some awesome stuff. I found mine at Michaels but I'm sure they have it many places in the floral section.

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Flower Soft - Ivory

Butterscotch Coated Wire or Plain Wire

Aleene's Super Thick Tacky Glue (or Flower Soft Glue)

Grapevine Wrapped Wire (found in the Floral areas)


1. Cut several pieces of wire 3-5" long. You will need two pieces for each catkin you want to make.

2. Twist two wires together...

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Turn and twist the opposite two wires together...

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Turn one more time and twist the original wires together then bring all of the wires together and secure at the bottom. You're basically making a little oval cage for the glue & Flower Soft. Be sure to make several sizes since real catkins come in all sizes.

When you're finished twisting the wire it should look similar to this....

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3. Now coat the entire end in glue as shown...

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4. Coat with the Flower Soft. I like to add lots so the catkin is very full.

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5. Let the glue/Flower Soft dry standing up. I use a foam piece that some decorative brads came in for this step.

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6. Cut a length of the grapevine wrapped wire. Saturate with water and let it soak in for several minutes. This will help with the next step.

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7. After the grapevine has softened up, carefully unwrap the grapevine from most of the wire. Leave the bottom 2-3" in tact.

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8. Place a larger catkin along the base of the wire. Re-wrap the grapevine around the catkin wire and the base wire tightly. This will hold everything together and cover the catkin wire.

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9. Continue wrapping and inserting additional catkins (working from large to small) up the branch. When you do so remember to vary the placement of the catkins. They don't naturally grow in a straight line up the branch.

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10. When you reach the top...snip off any extra branch wire". Secure the grapevine to the branch using the Super Thick Tacky Glue. Hold with a cloths pin if necessary until dry.

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